Sunday, March 13, 2011

Something to Chew On

By now you've heard about that recent 8.9 earthquake in Japan that sent a tsunami wave to Russia, California, Australia, and Mexico. But did you also know that a day before it happened, our sun shot us with a huge solar flare? And on the day of the solar flare, Hawaii's big volcano started becoming very active, as well as one in Indonesia? In fact, in the course of the past 12-24 months, this earth has seen many volcanoes going active and large earthquakes, more than usual. Remember the Iceland volcano that shut down Europe for days?

Well, that's just natural disasters were talking about. What other prophetic events are happening in the world today? Well, today's churches are being filled with false and very deceptive doctrine, which I'm sure most of you reading this can think of at least one bible verse related to the Great Apostasy.

But what about outside the walls of church? Nearly all bible prophecy looks toward that little country of Israel, God's chosen people. See, because of all the earthquakes, volcanoes, dead birds and fish, and other recent news, we seem to have forgotten that all of Israel's neighboring countries are going through a Muslim uprising. The countries that were somewhat friendly toward Israel, promising not to nuke them, have now been taken over by radical Muslim extremists, or are about to be.

Then there are those prophecies that talk about global economic hard times. But I won't go there now since this is pretty obvious to us all. I could go on and on with all these signs Jesus and the book of Revelation told us about, but this post would be way too long.

So here's what I've concluded:

Of the thousands of people in Japan that were alive on March 10, but today are dead, most of them were NOT Christian. This means most of them are in now Hell or on their way to Hell, depending on your doctrine about death.

If you are not sure where you stand with God, now's a VERY good time to ask Him. He's always waiting for us, but one day soon He won't wait any more. I'm finding it very easy to believe that day is VERY SOON.

For those of us who have received Jesus Christ and are Heavenbound...


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