Friday, January 14, 2011

On your mark!.......Get set!......SURF!!!

  • And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Rev 13:16-17)

News source:

It's not exactly the kind of news I wanted my alarm clock to wake me up to, and I've heard this one before, but now we can find this same report on Fox, CNN, and Yahoo. We're all getting Internet IDs because Obama wants big brother to track our every online move. When I first heard this report, I remember thinking it will not happen because the American people won't allow it. But then it occurred to me: The American people haven't been in charge of America for a very long time.

So now the obvious question. What's the big deal? Well, when was the last time you tried to fill out a job application the old fashioned paper and pen method? And many years ago when I was on unemployment, we had to fill out our weekly reports online. I know a lady on food stamps whose monthly allotment hasn't been awarded. When she called to inquire, they gave her a PIN number and a Web site to check every day.

Imagine voicing your frustrations with the Obama Administration while they are watching. Imaging selling your college textbook on only to have IRS agents knocking on your door because you didn't charge taxes. Imagine offending Muslims because you posted on a blog like this that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven, while the Muslim-in-Chief is watching. Or imagine comparison shopping online for the prices of handguns.

Well, let's just not get the Internet ID, right? Well, I refer you back to the paragraph above. When was the last time you asked a company for an application and they told you it's all done online now? What if you need to check your checking account balance? What if you're a student and you want to pay your tuition or check your grades of your ONLINE class, only to be told that's all done now online. Or what if your boss send you an email but you don't have an Internet ID to check it with?

Get the point? This Internet ID plan is no doubt a probable prelude to Rev 13:16-17.

I really, really, really hope and pray that this does not come to pass anytime soon. If it does, and they require some form of bio-metrical ID, I suppose it's safe to say we've arrived at that point in history where we'll have to be fed by God through ravens (assuming they haven't all fallen dead out of the sky yet). I'll most likely lose my job as a Webmaster.

Now before anyone gets angry and goes sticking their head back in the sand, notice that I did say "a probable prelude" to the Mark of the Beast. It may still amount to nothing. Unfortunately, I think that it will eventually tie somehow into the ever-popular implantable microchip, which will eventually evolve in the Mark of the Beast. Hope I'm wrong.



Thursday, January 13, 2011

Today's news...

Dormant volcano in Italy becomes active while Japan has a 6.5 quake (several biggies this week in fact).

464 die in Brazil floods, and 42 in the Philippines floods, and Australia's flooded land looks like "a warzone".

Birds falling dead from the sky.

"Banks repossess 1 million homes in 2010" as the "World moves closer to food price shock" and "Higher energy and food costs lift wholesale prices"

"Israel troops on alert after Lebanon government falls" while "Hamas deploys forces to shore up cease-fire"

Here's my one of my favorite Bible prophecy happening right before our eyes:

knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.
(2Peter 3)

I refer to an earlier post:
Watch and Pray!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Birds and the Bees

Over the last few weeks, there have been many news reports of animals dying in mass quantities, mostly birds. The first report I can remember, on January 2, mentioned thousands of birds dropping out the the sky in Arkansas along with thousands of dead fish washing ashore somewhere else in the US.

I thought, "Hmm, that's strange" then let it go. Then other reports started popping up about mass animal deaths; more birds in more locations around the world, as well as other kinds of animals (dead crabs come to mind). Recent reports came out of Sweden and Spain; today’s latest from California and the country of Turkey. Many have nicknamed these strange happenings as “the Aflockalypse” (very cute)

For you visual types, here's a Google Map:

So what about the bees (since I did title this post "The Birds and the Bees")? Good question.

There have also been many recent reports about the world's bee population mysteriously declining at alarming rates. What's not so good about this? Well, if you remember back in 6th grade science, bees are how plants do the "birds and the bees" thing; they need bees to reproduce.

So where does all this tie into Bible Prophecy?

In regard to the birds, many of us watchers have no solid idea, only speculations. As for the bees, let us consider one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: The black horse.

(Rev. 6: 5-6) When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come and see." So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine."

This is an obvious picture of a global economic depression. A denarius was a day's wage. So imagine spending all of your day's earning on a quart of wheat just to feed your family (and you can forget about the rent and utilities). As for the oil and wine, I don't know, unless you consider petroleum oil and wine representing happiness.

Now let us take the world's bees out of the picture - those tiny little critters that cause fruit and vegetable plants and tree to reproduce. It stands to reason that their disappearance would cause the supply of food to go way down, which according to basic rules of economics would cause food prices to skyrocket.

It turns out those pesky little creatures that buzz around your ears and get in your soda can are really God's provision to the human race. With them out of the picture, it won't be a pretty picture.

Seems to me this is the beginning of another Bible prophecy unfolding before our eyes. If not, as usual, you can blame it on last night's pizza (while there still is pizza).

Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Dwoop, Dwoop"

Hey, have any of you ever seen the kids movie "Cars"? Remember the part where Lightning McQueen was tied to Old Betsy and the tourist minvans were trying to drive out of town? Remember when Lighting McQueen begged them for their help, saying he's a famous racecar driver and that he's being held there against his will?

I love this part:

Remember what those minivans did after McQueen told them this? Their alarm horns went "dwoop, dwoop" as they smiled. LOL!!!! I still laugh at that part.

But what I say this point on is no laughing matter. It's kind of sad really.

I hear and read so many strange things on the Internet and TV. People saying they are the son of the Holy Spirit, or they are Elijah the Prophet, or one of those two witnesses mentioned in the Book of Revelation. When I hear people make such claims, it makes my alarm go "dwoop, dwoop" too. And those of you who read your Bibles should also have alarms going "dwoop, dwoop" when you hear such things. Jesus and the apostles warned us that there would be a large increase of these kind of claims, although for the most part they were referring to false christs, false prophets, false apostles, and false teachers. And we do see plenty of those too.

Listen, if anyone ever says to you that he or she is so-and-so from the Bible, if you have an extra Bible please give it to them, or buy them one from Kmart for 12 bucks, and tell them to read it. NO, BETTER YET. RUN!!! Jesus said His sheep hear His voice and will flee from a stranger (John 10:3-5).

So pay attention to those "dwoop, dwoops" you get because there sure are a lot of "strangers" out there.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A GREAT New Worldwide Order :-)

Cool! Got your attention.

I wasn't really meaning the New World Order that the Antichrist will rule. I was actually referring to a new order from Jesus to the Worldwide Body of Christ (that's us). And actually, it's not a new order... It's a renewed order. So here's the order:

Watch and Pray!!!

This shouldn't be a difficult order to follow. Scattered throughout the Body of Christ (that's us) all around this globe are people I call "watchers." Ezekiel 33 calls them "watchmen" but you get the drift.

  • And on that note: To be honest, Jesus told all of us to watch, so in a way we are all watchers. However, the watchers I'm referring to seem to have a passion for watching as well as a Holy Ghost inspired perspective of what's really going on. And if you desire to be one of these watchers, GREAT! God wants you to be. BUT, be prepared to be considered a whacko by regular church foke... it can be a very lonely position.

Anyway, back to the order:

Watch and Pray!!!

This shouldn't be a difficult order to follow because of the watchers already watching for you in the Body of Christ (that's us) all around this globe. All you need to do is frequent their sites or read their newletter/emails/messages.

  • And on THAT note, be very very careful who you choose to do the watching for you. In these end times there are a lot of so-called prophets who will lead you astray. If they try to promote themselves saying they are somebody they're not, such as Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus the Christ, or some other person from the Bible, run, don't walk, far, far away with the closest Bible you can find. I kid you not, there are people out there calling themselves someone or something they are not (Jesus told is this would happen).

Anyway, back to the order:

Watch and Pray!!!

And if you dare have the gall to ask me to prove God is telling me to tell you this, I dare have the gall to say:

So here's your proof:

Mat 24:42 "Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.

Mat 25:13
"Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.

Mat 26:41
"Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."

Mar 13:33
"Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is.

(This is really easy when doing a keyword search for "watch" in one of those bible programs...)

Mar 13:34 "It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch.

Mar 13:35
"Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning—

Mar 13:37
"And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!" (I like this one)

Luk 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

1Cr 16:13 Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.

1Th 5:6
Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.

Rev 3:3 "Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. (I like this one, too)

So there you have it: Jesus' new worldwide order.

But what if you don't have the time to watch or would just rather hear the reports of one of those watchers? No problem! For a low monthly fee of $12.99... NO JUST KIDDING! NO FEE. I will not prostitute what God has given me. And neither do these people:

I'm sure there are other watchers Web sites out there, in fact I know there are. As of this day, I can tell you that these sites will not charge you a dime for the calling God has given them. Some may be in need of financial help and might ask if you can help, but they won't require you to. (The last one listed I recently discovered and feel safe making this claim for)

If any of these sites cause red flags in you, please let me know. I've been using most of these for years.

Have a Christ-centered week and

Watch and Pray!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Emergent Emergency! Caca

My soul is deeply troubled by what is happening to my spiritual family. I haven’t been able to watch world events as I should because Satan has attacked our flock, injecting it with his undercover agents, poisoning its water with false doctrine. It was so slow and subtle that even I was sucked into it without even realizing it.

Last night I huddled into a fetal position crying to God begging for His protection. It occurred to me that I couldn’t tell the difference between wolves and sheep. I wasn't even sure if I was a sheep. All I know is that there are wolves around me. What's worse, in today’s churches I’m seeing them infiltrate their leadership, sometimes even by invitation.

Today I’m better now - pretty tired from sleep deprivation - but better.

We live in dark times now, and that darkness has infiltrated many of today’s Christian churches. It saddens me but at least now I have a deeper understanding of these verses in God’s words:

  • (Matthew 7: 22-23) “Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'
  • (1Timothy 4: 1) Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
  • (2Timothy 4: 3) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

Cults and cultic teaching used to be very easy to recognize. One cult will say Jesus isn’t the one true God and He was really hung on a pole, not a cross. Another cult says Jesus is one of many Gods of which we too will become one of.

Most cults are easy to recognize with one of two simple questions. The first question is: “How do I get to Heaven?” If the answer doesn’t focus on Jesus Christ and only Jesus Christ, it’s a cult. But some cultic teaching will acknowledge that Jesus is the only way to Heaven, so then comes the other question: “Are you the only church or denomination that will go to Heaven or have eternal life? If their long-winded answer boils down to a “yes, you must be a member of our church or denomination,” then it’s a cult.

What rattled my cage this last time is that this relatively new cult doesn’t have an official denomination or even official tenets of faith. Instead, it is a poison carried on the backs of wolves in sheep clothing infiltrating the flocks of God. What really breaks my heart to the point of tears is that many of the sheep are swallowing it and so are their pastors.

I’m sure I’ll become hated for exposing this cult, but I must stay true to God and have a biblical mandate to expose error. And guess what? So do you if Jesus Christ is truly your Lord. So what’s the error? Well, as I said, there are not established tenets of faith, but BEWARE of the following traits:

  • An emphasis on experience and feelings instead of biblical absolutes.
  • A de-emphasis on absolutes and doctrinal creeds.
  • A re-evaluation of the place of the Christian church in society.
  • A re-examination of the Bible and its teachings.
  • A re-evaluation of traditionally-held doctrines.
  • A re-evaluation of the place of Christianity in the world.
And a very obvious trait:
  • The desire to glorify oneself – self-promoting – and implying that you should too.

Much of this poison will also be obvious in gatherings or so-called “outpourings” where one or more speakers hold the title of “apostle” or “prophet”. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying a person can’t be a true prophet for God. But I am saying that you will know them by their fruits. If you hear or observe something that causes red flags in you, run away and go read your bible.

So what if you’ve already swallowed the poison, as I did?
  • Get back to the bible, the whole bible, and NOTHING but the bible.
  • Cry to God for protection and healing from this poison, as I did.
  • Encourage yourself in the Lord and know that His return is OBVIOUSLY very soon.

Here are some groups, comments, or teachings to be leery of:
  • Any group that promotes gaining “higher levels” or mountains as depicted in books written by someone with the first name of Rick.
  • Any comment that glorifies angels (or their feathers) more than glorifies God. A worship of angels.
  • Any group that teaches “how to reach higher levels” or “third heaven”. Yes, Paul did say he knew a man who was taken to the third heaven. But God took him there. There is no “how-to”
  • Be VERY careful of “The Elijah List” and all of its teachers. Some may be legit but still, be very careful.
  • Any teaching that promotes the “manifest sons of God” or an elite group of Christians that will overtake the earth for God’s glory. Yes, you will find this term in Romans 8. But look up the word "manifest" yourselves. One version of the bible says "For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are." I like that part "really are".

Do you see the pattern here? This poison promotes self-exaltation or self-promotion, and ignores what God’s word has to say, and it STINKS to High Heaven.

You want truth? Here's something you won't hear in this emergent cult: Sin is sin, Hell is hot, and you will be going there unless you repent and turn to Jesus who is the ONLY truth. Oh, and, yes, the Rapture will be happening soon!

You’ve been warned about this emergent church poison. I beg you to please stay away from it and go back to the Holy Bible.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Virgins Everywhere! (a call for 2011)

I think we're entering that point in history Jesus alluded to in his parable of the 10 virgins. If you're familiar with that story, you know that half of them were ready for the Bridegroom and the other half were not. What determined if they were ready, for the most part, was whether or not they had oil in their lamps. We also know that the virgins represent born-again Christians because back in the day, a woman was a virgin until she met her husband (I know that sounds so un-21st century, but it was the culture of the day). We also know the Bridegroom to be Jesus the Christ.

Some ironic things I noticed about these virgins is that they all were "sleeping" before the arrival of the Bridegroom. Do with that as you will. I also noticed that the wise virgins would not, or rather could not, share their oil with the foolish virgins because they may run out. But doesn't God tell us to share?

Sharing is good when you share with someone in need who doesn't have what you have and can't get it. However, oil is readily available to ALL. For the foolish virgins to say to the wise ones "share your oil" would be like one person saying to another, "Hey, you need to share the air you're breathing".

So what is that oil that is readily available to all virgins? Throughout the Bible, we know oil is representative for the Holy Spirit. This really isn't a heavy-revie but is more of a Christianity 101 teaching. We definitely need "oil" for our "lamps" so that we can go out into the "dark" (which these days are definitely dark) to meet our "Bridegroom".

So here is the call that I think God wants all Christians to take heed to for 2011

  • Get alone with God; REFUEL. It's not difficult. Just a few minutes a day reading the bible with God and talking to Him can fill up your "tank" and it won't cost you half your paycheck either. Try to listen to what He's telling you and if you can't hear Him that well, let the Bible do the talking. I asked Him the other day to not let the clouds block my view of the lunar eclipse we just had. He allowed the sky to remain clear until the next day and I thanked Him for it. That was a very cool lunar eclipse, by the way. So just thanking Him for little stuff goes a long way. But however you do it, just do it... get alone with God.

  • Be sheep without extra clothing. We are currently living in dangerous times. In churches all over our nation, I see wolves in sheep clothing, sheep in wolves clothing, sheep in sheep clothing, and sheep that refuse to where any other clothing. Jesus wants His sheep to wear only the clothing they were born with. No, I'm not talking about joining a nudist colony. I mean be real with God and with people and don't be religious/legalistic, don't be phony, and definitely don't be deceived. This leads me to point 2.

  • We must sharpen our real swords and throw away our fake swords. The bible refers to "the sword of the Spirit" as the Word of God. Never have I seen such a large invasion of wolves in the church as today. False doctrine has infiltrated the body of
    Christ. THEREFORE, open your bibles and get as much of it as you can deep within you. Have bible debates with yourself and with others just for the sake of sharpening your "swords". But remember this: "Let God be true, but every man be a liar" (Rom 3:4). This means that if it ain't in the bible, chuck it. Also remember this: "All spiritual experiences must agree with the written Word of God." If someone says to you a feather from an angel landed on her pillow and caused her to turn blue in color and then the angel said "I want a hot dog" and then oil suddenly poured out of their pillow, they better be able to back it up with Bible, otherwise chuck it.

Not to be an alarmist but I think the Body of Christ is about to go into a wilderness experience. The wilderness can be a great thing if you're in it with God. But whether I'm correct on this or if it was the pizza last night, I beg you to do those things I listed above, and the bible agrees.