I thought, "Hmm, that's strange" then let it go. Then other reports started popping up about mass animal deaths; more birds in more locations around the world, as well as other kinds of animals (dead crabs come to mind). Recent reports came out of Sweden and Spain; today’s latest from California and the country of Turkey. Many have nicknamed these strange happenings as “the Aflockalypse” (very cute)
For you visual types, here's a Google Map:
So what about the bees (since I did title this post "The Birds and the Bees")? Good question.
There have also been many recent reports about the world's bee population mysteriously declining at alarming rates. What's not so good about this? Well, if you remember back in 6th grade science, bees are how plants do the "birds and the bees" thing; they need bees to reproduce.
So where does all this tie into Bible Prophecy?
In regard to the birds, many of us watchers have no solid idea, only speculations. As for the bees, let us consider one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: The black horse.
(Rev. 6: 5-6) When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come and see." So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine."
This is an obvious picture of a global economic depression. A denarius was a day's wage. So imagine spending all of your day's earning on a quart of wheat just to feed your family (and you can forget about the rent and utilities). As for the oil and wine, I don't know, unless you consider petroleum oil and wine representing happiness.
Now let us take the world's bees out of the picture - those tiny little critters that cause fruit and vegetable plants and tree to reproduce. It stands to reason that their disappearance would cause the supply of food to go way down, which according to basic rules of economics would cause food prices to skyrocket.
It turns out those pesky little creatures that buzz around your ears and get in your soda can are really God's provision to the human race. With them out of the picture, it won't be a pretty picture.
Seems to me this is the beginning of another Bible prophecy unfolding before our eyes. If not, as usual, you can blame it on last night's pizza (while there still is pizza).
ReplyDelete"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."
Does that sound familiar?
And no, you don't get off the hook just by misspelling it. That's what's known as a "minced oath".