Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Dwoop, Dwoop"

Hey, have any of you ever seen the kids movie "Cars"? Remember the part where Lightning McQueen was tied to Old Betsy and the tourist minvans were trying to drive out of town? Remember when Lighting McQueen begged them for their help, saying he's a famous racecar driver and that he's being held there against his will?

I love this part:

Remember what those minivans did after McQueen told them this? Their alarm horns went "dwoop, dwoop" as they smiled. LOL!!!! I still laugh at that part.

But what I say this point on is no laughing matter. It's kind of sad really.

I hear and read so many strange things on the Internet and TV. People saying they are the son of the Holy Spirit, or they are Elijah the Prophet, or one of those two witnesses mentioned in the Book of Revelation. When I hear people make such claims, it makes my alarm go "dwoop, dwoop" too. And those of you who read your Bibles should also have alarms going "dwoop, dwoop" when you hear such things. Jesus and the apostles warned us that there would be a large increase of these kind of claims, although for the most part they were referring to false christs, false prophets, false apostles, and false teachers. And we do see plenty of those too.

Listen, if anyone ever says to you that he or she is so-and-so from the Bible, if you have an extra Bible please give it to them, or buy them one from Kmart for 12 bucks, and tell them to read it. NO, BETTER YET. RUN!!! Jesus said His sheep hear His voice and will flee from a stranger (John 10:3-5).

So pay attention to those "dwoop, dwoops" you get because there sure are a lot of "strangers" out there.

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