Friday, January 14, 2011

On your mark!.......Get set!......SURF!!!

  • And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Rev 13:16-17)

News source:

It's not exactly the kind of news I wanted my alarm clock to wake me up to, and I've heard this one before, but now we can find this same report on Fox, CNN, and Yahoo. We're all getting Internet IDs because Obama wants big brother to track our every online move. When I first heard this report, I remember thinking it will not happen because the American people won't allow it. But then it occurred to me: The American people haven't been in charge of America for a very long time.

So now the obvious question. What's the big deal? Well, when was the last time you tried to fill out a job application the old fashioned paper and pen method? And many years ago when I was on unemployment, we had to fill out our weekly reports online. I know a lady on food stamps whose monthly allotment hasn't been awarded. When she called to inquire, they gave her a PIN number and a Web site to check every day.

Imagine voicing your frustrations with the Obama Administration while they are watching. Imaging selling your college textbook on only to have IRS agents knocking on your door because you didn't charge taxes. Imagine offending Muslims because you posted on a blog like this that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven, while the Muslim-in-Chief is watching. Or imagine comparison shopping online for the prices of handguns.

Well, let's just not get the Internet ID, right? Well, I refer you back to the paragraph above. When was the last time you asked a company for an application and they told you it's all done online now? What if you need to check your checking account balance? What if you're a student and you want to pay your tuition or check your grades of your ONLINE class, only to be told that's all done now online. Or what if your boss send you an email but you don't have an Internet ID to check it with?

Get the point? This Internet ID plan is no doubt a probable prelude to Rev 13:16-17.

I really, really, really hope and pray that this does not come to pass anytime soon. If it does, and they require some form of bio-metrical ID, I suppose it's safe to say we've arrived at that point in history where we'll have to be fed by God through ravens (assuming they haven't all fallen dead out of the sky yet). I'll most likely lose my job as a Webmaster.

Now before anyone gets angry and goes sticking their head back in the sand, notice that I did say "a probable prelude" to the Mark of the Beast. It may still amount to nothing. Unfortunately, I think that it will eventually tie somehow into the ever-popular implantable microchip, which will eventually evolve in the Mark of the Beast. Hope I'm wrong.



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